With many schools going back to face-to-face lessons, a lot of teachers are still trying to adapt lessons to accommodate the social distancing measures required by the new normality. As some classic tools of communicative English lessons, like handouts, board games and pair work have to be adapted or avoided, it may become difficult to promote interaction among students and add variety to lessons. In this video for Pavilion ELT, Rubens Heredia suggests ideas to keep lessons interactive and dynamic while maintaining a safe distance.


Useful references:

Hockly, N. (2019) ‘Promoting reading skills by means of technology’ English Teaching professional, (120)

Baguley, N. (2020). ‘Back to school: experiencing a return to the classroom’. English Teaching professional (130).

Hill, D.A. (1999). ‘Projects’. English Teaching professional (13). 

Blue, J. (2020). ‘Variety in the socially distanced classroom: approaches to whole-class discussions’. World of Better Learning, Cambridge University Press.